When you are a person of a certain age living at home on your own, you may begin to feel some pressure about whether or not staying in your home is the best choice for you. Your children and other family members might be concerned about your well-being, and you yourself may begin to question what living environment would be best for you. One alternative to living at home is assisted living. However, if you are like many seniors, you may be hesitant about making the transition. Get to know some of the reasons that you may want to consider assisted living for yourself. Then, you can better decide if this is the right move for you at this time.
You Are Lonely
One of the best things about assisted living is that you will be around people whenever you want. Living at home alone can be lonely, especially if you are not willing or able to leave the house very often. In an assisted living community, you will have your own space but will also have shared spaces in which you can interact with other residents.
You can socialize as much or as little as you want, but sometimes, just knowing other people are around can help to reduce the loneliness that you experience on a daily basis. And your regular interactions with staff members at the assisted living community will also help.
You Are Depressed
Depression is the most common mental illness that affects elderly people. Part of this is because of loneliness and isolation. Part of it is for other reasons. Moving into a lively and vivacious assisted living community with activities, social opportunities, and assistance can help to reduce depression.
You Don't Want to Cook Anymore
Cooking meals for yourself every day can be an overwhelming task when you live alone and/or you become a senior. The amount of effort required is often a great deal higher than when you were younger.
If you don't want to cook for yourself anymore or find that you are not able to cook well for yourself, assisted living can help. They will provide you with three meals a day and often also offer an afternoon snack to residents. You will never have to cook again if you do not want to do so.
You Need Help with Daily Living Tasks
If you need help with tasks of daily living, like showering, getting dressed, brushing your teeth, or other such tasks, assisted living is a good option for you. Staff at the assisted living community can help you with those tasks and ensure that you are taking the best possible care of yourself in the process. They will not necessarily take over doing tasks for you unless that is what you need, but they will provide assistance as needed and requested.
Now that you know a few of the reasons you may want to consider assisted living, you can better determine the right living environment for yourself going forward. For more information, contact local assisted living centers like Sequoia Springs Senior Living.