In-home senior care is just as it sounds: it's in-home care for those who are elderly and unable to fully care for themselves. This type of care can be done on a full or part-time basis and is beneficial in many ways, even if the most basic care is given.
Many seniors prefer to live independently and entirely on their own, and this is the optimum situation to strive for. However, illness, injury, progressive age issues, and other concerns make it harder to live at home without help. If this is your situation or the situation of someone you know and care about, taking action sooner rather than later is best. Here are signs it's time to consider in-home senior care.
1. You or a loved one need outside help
Do you or a loved one rely on other people to get through the day? This might look like someone checking in daily, preparing the meals, cleaning the house, or sitting in regularly to ensure all is well. If you or some other elderly loved one you have continuously need outside help, it's time to consider getting in-home senior care.
Furthermore, if you used to need basic outside assistance but now you rely on family and other people outside the home even more, then hiring in-home senior care is a great solution. This way, everyone can continue with their normal lives and you can have all your needs met without worrying about neglecting your care needs.
2. You or a loved one have undergone recent life changes
Have you or a loved one recently undergone physical therapy, surgery, or fallen seriously ill? As you recover, in-home senior care can help in many ways. You can receive help in feeding, bathing, performing other self-care tasks, cleaning your home, entertaining your pets, or taking care of medical needs. As you recover, in-home senior care services can lessen, but overall assist you in the daily things you need to thrive.
3. You or a loved one are overwhelmed with daily living
Getting older is anything but easy, and if you are overwhelmed with the basic day-to-day living and don't know how to reach out for help, in-home senior care services can be there for you. An in-home senior care agency can give you the tools you need to confidently remain at home as you age, so you can enjoy the comforts of what is yours without sacrifice to your overall health and well-being.