3 Posistive Ways Memory Care At An Assisted Living Facility Benefits Seniors And Their Families

It is difficult for families with loved ones with declining memory and cognitive abilities to cope. Sometimes a feeling of hopelessness arises. That is often followed by guilt if their loved ones cannot safely live alone and there is no one who can care for them. It is possible for individuals with conditions such as Alzheimer's to maintain a level of dependence and to encourage their ability to think for themselves in a controlled environment. 

Many assisted living facilities have treatment services that are tailored to help seniors with dementia and Alzheimer's live productive lives. They can offer services to individuals who are experiencing the onset of these conditions as well as seniors with advanced cases. Memory care is a key component to the success of the treatment provided. The following points identify a few reasons memory care is a good fit for seniors with cognitive decline and their families.

Peace of Mind About Care

Seniors with cognitive decline receive specialized care in assisted living facilities. They are often located in an area of a facility that has enhanced security. Some seniors with cognitive decline are a flight risk and may wander off. Proactive measures are taken to ensure that they are safe. The healthcare workers who provide Alzheimer's care receive special training that equips them to know how to properly care for residents.

Establish New Supportive Relationships

Residents with cognitive decline can form strong bonds. Some individuals may have times when they are forgetful and times when they are alert and aware of their surroundings. These are times when they might be able to communicate their concerns and feelings with others who are experiencing the same thing. Memory care activities are often done in a group setting. This can also encourage camaraderie when familiar faces are seen on a daily basis. Families of individuals at a facility are likely to encounter each other when visiting. This can be encouraging to know that other families are facing the same challenges. Supportive relationships can also be formed when residents get familiar with the staff caring for them.

Slow the Progression of the Illness                                                                    

Memory care activities can slow down the progression of cognitive decline. A day that follows a routine and schedule can also be beneficial for memory care, and assisted living facilities can offer this structure. One-on-one memory care activities and group activities can further improve memory and slow the decline.

An assisted living facility is a good resource to use to learn more about memory care. They can explain how they encourage independence and the strategies they use to ensure their residents' success and safety. 
